Mar 7, 2007

What a month!

Fellow readers, I’m sorry I’ve abandoned my blogging duties for a while. After a short post to announce we were moving, almost a two-week silence. I had planned on writing the blog as soon as we had internet, but there was too much to do with technology and settlement that I didn’t have much room left for creative writing.

But, hey, we now are the proud residents of a one-bedroom flat in London. We have our home computer and a broadband connection, so, hopefully, you’ll get to read more and more of us in the future. I also want to let you know that we finally set up our US phone line with Vonage (voice over IP), which allows us to call people in Houston, and it turns out to be a local call. Since most of all cell phone plans in the US now go nationwide, it becomes a local call to our family and friends in other states too. The coolest part is that we managed to keep the same number I used to have. Isn’t that something?

So, for those of you who know my cell phone number with Houston area code, just “give me a ring” (as the British say). We guarantee it won’t cost you any more than a regular phone call to a line in Houston (I should be paid by Vonage for the ad). And, for those of you who have already erased my number from your cell phones, shame on you! I told you it was not going to be easy to get rid of us so easily. Just send us an email, and we’ll tell you the number. The only warning clause is to mind the 6-hour difference between us. So, please make your phone calls no later than 4 pm CST.

On March 3rd, we realized it has been already one month since we moved across this side of the pond. We were happy to celebrate it at our new home, with home made food, with broadband internet, a UK home phone line, a US phone line and our favorite shows on Tivo being brought by Slingbox. Setting up all these components was a task that took planning, plus lots of time and patience. It would have been easier to connect all this with Ted at home, but he was working all day, so I had to play with the boxes trying to figure things out. Calling customer service was not fun. I have yet to hear of customer service that offers a 24x7 support. Actually, I do not believe the concept exists here at all. Our families have also participated in the technology adventure by setting up their web cams with Skype on their computers. Yesterday was a milestone when we were able to “see” each other again. Technology rocks!

Anyway, I know I owe pictures of the new crib. I’m waiting for our sea shipment that comes home this Thursday, so that I get “before and after” shots. In the meantime, stay tuned!

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