Mar 15, 2007

I'm bringing pictures back... yeah!


As I promised, here are some pictures of our apartment in London. It's certainly not a fancy place, but it is our home and we like it. Many have already expressed their concern about the fact that it only has one bedroom. What they don't know is that we have a super duper air matress ready to suit the needs of anyone who desires to visit us.

If you ever wonder why do I take forever to post stuff in the blog, let me remind you that I am still a baby blogger. This slideshow took me a whole afternoon! Besides, as I mentioned in my last post, our sea shipment arrived last week with 44 boxes. Yes, forty four!!!! What where we thinking? We knew that London flats came already furnished, so we didn't bring furniture. Why in the world did we end up with so much stuff? I don't know. All I can say now is that our flat used to be spacious BEFORE last week's delivery.

do you want to see more? here it goes:

There is no place like home. We are very thankful for ours.

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