Apr 14, 2007

All by myself

So, what happened this week? Living in London “solo” was kind of enjoyable the first three days. I spent most of my time at home walking in my pajamas, eating lots of junk food and watching re-runs of “Wonder Years” on Slingbox. On the fourth day, the sudden realization that Ted was gone hit me really bad. I had to constantly remind myself that everything was under control: I had people who loved me, I was living in London, and I had food in my belly. I thank God for our U.S line with Vonage, which kept me connected with the world on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. I spent several hours talking to dear friends I haven’t called in years. Many had suggested me to go out and explore the city, visit museums, do some shopping. Yes, those were great ideas. What they didn’t realize it’s the fact that this humble servant is a big time people person. I can’t go out by myself and enjoy places unless I have people with me. I mean, I could, but I just rather do stuff with friends. Perhaps time will teach me to appreciate loneliness. Right now, I don’t.

In the mist of my loneliness, great people came to the rescue. On Easter Sunday, Richard’s family came from the U.S. to visit. The weather in London was just perfect. (Note to self: Easter is the best time to visit England) I was invited to have dinner at their house. Before dinner, we all walked to “Little Venice”. Did you know London had a neighborhood called like that? Look at these pictures of the dusking sky!

Every time I go to Richard’s house, he is always cooking for a lot of people. This time it was his own family who he cooked for, so the food was even better than ever!

I also got to meet a family of expats from Houston who just moved a little more than a month ago. They are living in the same building where we live. The husband knew Ted from work and they knew I was alone, so they invited me out for dinner on Monday night. What a joy! On Thursday, Stephanie and I walked from our place all the way to High Street Kensington. It was so much fun. I love our gorgeous neighborhood, and there is nothing better than having a friendly neighbor to explore the area with.

On Friday, Richard’s aunts were checking out the city, so I joined them to visit the British Museum, the British Library and Harrods. That was also fun. I didn’t know that Harrods had a little memorial for Princess Diana and her fiancé. Thank you girls! It was great to see the city with you.

Look at these kids sketching some 3,000 year-old Etruscan ceramic at the British Museum. I thought it was a great sight. I want my kids to do that!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow...those kids are impressive...I want my kids to consolidate financial statements instead...hahaha ~Crispy